The latest Mugithi sensation, Lady Chiru arrived with her crew at the Coast this morning promising a show to remember for all her fans tomorrow night. In high spirits she made a stop over at Mtwapa (that's where this pic was taken). Her show will explode at the hottest new club in Watamu, Black Phoenix Lounge. Organizers have announced that the first 20 ladies to arrive will enjoy free drinks on the house. The Mugithi extravaganza starts at 7:30pm

Latest Movies Delivered At Your Door-Step, No More Movie Shop Frustration

"I get very frustrated spending hours at the movie shop trying to find the movies I love."

"Movie quality from my movie shop is terrible. No sound, bad pictures and sometimes it doesn't even play"

"My movie shop is so slow coming out with brand new releases"

"There's an old movie that I used to watch when I was younger BUT I can't find it at movie shops"

Now all these problems and more will be a thing of the past. Here is a service where any movies or series of your choice will be delivered at your doorstep within 12 hours or if delayed 24 hours at the very latest. Order now and you will be watching the movie tomorrow.

How it works

1. You register with us to be receiving the movies. Registration is FREE. Just email me at ckyalo@gmail.com giving me your name, location, cell phone number and movies you love.
SMS me at 0727-217920 give me your email address and the kind of movies you love.

2.  We will email you our weekly newsletter featuring all the latest movies, classics etc. We will also send you via wassup new releases daily as they are released.

3. Place an order via SMS to a number we will give you after you register.

4. The movies arrive at your office or home close to the CBD of the city or town where you live and you pay after verifying that it is exactly what you ordered.

Delivery is FREE you only pay Kshs 60/- per movie or series DVD.

Register now and start enjoying all the movies you have been missing...

Just email me at ckyalo@gmail.com giving me your name, location, cell phone number and movies you love.
SMS me at 0727-217920 give me your email address and the kind of movies you love.

Looking For Something Different This Madaraka Day? This Magical Experience Is Hard To Beat

Enjoy an amazing out of this world scenario...

Party, BBQ, swim, network at Kilulu Island, Watamu

Enjoy the fresh Indian ocean breeze with the sandy picturesque wild beaches of Watamu below you...

From noon to midnight on 1st June 2016, Madaraka Day

ONLY Kshs 1,200 per person (includes an amazing BBQ)

Well stocked cash bar available

After Party with DJ Paps at Black Phoenix Lounge, Watamu

More Information/Bookings: 0775 038993


Plenty of affordable accommodation in Watamu at the moment (tourist low season). Ranging from Kes 2500 BB to Kes 6000 FB all inclusive

Turtle bay beach resort
Kes 6000 all inclusive

Watamu Tropical Resort
Kes 3500 FB
Kes 3000 HB
Kes 2500 BB

3 bedroom hse with s/pool
Kes 10,000
2 bedroom
Kes 7000
1 bdroom
Kes 3000

Biggest Mugithi Party Madaraka Day Eve Watamu 31st May 2016

Madaraka Day Eve SPECIAL (31st May 2016) MUGITHI NIGHT

mugithi wa andu agima

Biggest Mugithi Party The Coast Has Ever Seen

At Magical White Sandy Beaches Watamu 

...And At The Hottest New Club In Watamu... Black Phoenix Lounge

With the Amazing and Tantalizing Lady Chiru & Man Kiiru

Kama kawaida 

NYAMA (choma, boiled, fried)

Mukimo, Nduma, Ngwachi & Muratina

Entry: 2 beers

Starting at 8PM


For more information call 0775 038993

Steps To Take To Launch Your 2k@day Side Hassle


1. Organize your capital
You have two options. Either you receive the movies on credit, deliver them to your customers and then pay. OR you pay cash with your orders and then keep your profit after your customers pay. For the first option to work you will need to deposit Kshs 950 with us as a security deposit. Remember that we will be sending you movies on credit which you deliver and pay us when you are paid. So this deposit is important. However this money is refundable anytime you want to stop doing the business. Just make sure you have paid for all the movies you have received from us. Send me a text message now before you send. My cell is; 0727-217920

The minute we receive your cash we will send you the newsletter so that you start distributing and earning money.

Decide which option you will take.

If you cannot raise this cash to buy or deposit with us and require a loan, you will need to send us the full contact details of 2 people who know you well and will guarantee your loan. Also send us a photocopy of your ID or photograph it and send it via wassup. Text 0727-217920 for full details and assistance.

Also read about 5 brilliant ideas to raise your 950 deposit in a flash

2. Start distributing the newsletter
It is important that you distribute ONLY 10 newsletters at a time. If you distribute more at a time the system will NOT work. After you have done the 10 to people who are stationary or seated somewhere go back to the first person you gave a flyer to and find out what movies they would like to order. Finish all 10 before you distribute the next batch of 10 flyers

3. Send out your first order
Send us the orders as you receive them. We will promptly send them to you so that you can deliver them to your customers and and get paid.

4. You can still make money from this program without joining it
Refer your friends (and people you know who are jobless but hardworking) to this program and we will pay you Kshs 1/- from each movie they will ever sell for as long as they remain in the program. So if you introduce just 10 people who enrol and start distributing movies and say they each do badly and only sell 20 movies a day that will be 120 movies a week and so you will earn Kshs 1,200 a week for doing nothing but introducing your friends to this amazing program.
N.B. Make sure you send me the name of each friend you introduce the minute they join.

What is this business all about And how much do I make?
The job/business opportunity involves sharing and distributing popular movies with a growing client base.

How do I do this?
You will use a tried and proven system for distributing the movies. We will send you a newsletter/leaflet which you will then distribute. The newsletter talks about various movies and is designed to do all the hard work of selling for you. You just come back after a few minutes and collect the orders from the people you distributed the newsletter to which you then forward to us to supply to you. You deliver and pay yourself first before sending us the rest of the cash.

How much do I make?
A movie sells for only Kshs 50/- (meaning you can sell a lot). You make 20% or Kshs 10/- from each movie sold. You retain Kshs 10/- and pay us Kshs 40/-

Isn't that very little money for me to make?
Not really. Think about it for a moment. 20% is a very generous commission. And don't forget the distribution system described above is designed to deliver volumes. On average you will get 2 customers from every 10 newsletters you distribute (some people manage 3 or even 4). It is easy to deliver 100 per day (Many people do 200). From the 100 you will get at least 20 people who want to order right away. Most will NOT order one movie, in fact the average is 3 which is 60 movies in total meaning you will earn Kshs 600/- (if you distribute 200 you can make Kshs 1,200 from your first effort. Within one week (6 working days) you will have a total 120 customers (20 x 6 working days). Remember that these are customers who will order again and again that is why it is so important to carefully list everybody who orders movies from you so that you can return to them again week after week.

So you can clearly see that the Kshs 10/- per movie adds up rapidly to a very good income for you.

Is this the only way I will make money in this business?
NO. There are several other ways you will continue to earn cash from this program.

a) Every 110 movies you deliver and get paid for will earn you a bonus of Kshs 220/- from us. This cash is paid at the end of the month.

b) After you sell a total of 100 movies you qualify to be a junior trainer. We will then send you to train people in your area and nearby towns who are joining our program all the time. We will pay you Kshs 350 in cash plus all expenses paid every time you go out to train people. The cash will be sent via Mpesa. After you deliver a total of 200 movies you qualify to be a senior trainer and you will be earning Kshs 700 in cash plus all expenses paid every time you go out to train people.

c) As a trainer you will also earn Kshs 1/- from each movie sold by somebody you trained.

I am so far away from Nairobi. How will I get the newsletter/flyers? How will I get the movies?
We use courier services like G4S and bus companies. We also have offices in Mombasa and Kisumu, as well as Nairobi. We send movies you have ordered in the same way as we send you your first flyers to start doing business with.

Wow!! This means after 2 weeks I should be earning over Kshs 2,000 per day?
Yes. The earning potential for this business is unlimited. It is not difficult to rake in Kshs 10,000 a day within a very short time of doing the business. We have used the low figure of Kshs 2,000 per day because we feared that if we put a higher figure it would look unrealistic and people would doubt. And so shs 2,000 is NOT the limit of what you can earn daily. This is an amazing business.

Everything sounds so easy are there no difficulties in this business?
Good question. As you know every business or job has its' challenges including this one. For instance there are people who do not like walking. Naturally you will get tired. But famous movie star Leonardo Di Caprio once said;

"I would rather be tired than broke"

The truth is that after you build your client list of people you supply movies to on a regular basis the walking you do will reduce dramatically.

Then there is peer preassure. Many people will discourage you and usually these kind of people cannot even loan you Kshs 20/- or buy you a meal.

So the answer is Yes, there are a lot of difficulties but they all pale in comparison to the money you will be making.

Why is the leaflet marketing system so powerful and effective?

There are some common mistakes that most people make when distributing the movie newsletter that we use to attract movie orders. (I shall cover them later in this article). However when done correctly this system can help you get a huge number of orders (as it is already doing for many all the time.

But let me answer the question at hand. There are many reasons why the leaflet marketing system is so powerful and effective. Understanding these reasons will help you do it right and avoid mistakes. Some of the reasons are;

a) It saves time. Using the movie newsletter you will get your message to many more people within a short space of time compared to walking around talking to one person at a time.

b) It whets the appetite of your would-be customers for movies. And that puts them in exactly the right mood to order right away.

c) You can predict the number of movies you will sell. How many customers do you get from every 10 flyers you distribute? The most commmon average is between 2.5 and 3 customers. That means that if you distribute 100 you should be able to get between 25 and 30 customers!! And they will tend to order an average of 2 to 4 movies each which is 50 to 120 movies in total!!

Common mistakes that most people make when distributing the movie newsletter

1) Distributing too many leaflets before you go back to the first person you handed the leaflet to. 
Remember folks tend to have very short attention spans. Somebody will look through the newsletter and quickly forget their interest if you take too long before coming back to see them. That is why it is recommended that you dish out ONLY 10 at a time and not distribute any more before you have gone back to see each of the 10 people you handed them over to.

2) Not asking the right question when you re-visit somebody you handed over the flyer to.
Which movies in the leaflet interested you? is a much better question to ask than; How many movies will you order from the leaflet?

3) Wasting too much time with a prospect who is not ready to buy right away.
They have the leaflet with telephone numbers. Move to the next prospect quickly because there is sure to be somebody waiting to order right away. 

You haven't joined the make 2k daily program yet?

Don't postpone your success. Send an sms now (DO NOT call) with your name, age and where you want to do the business to our business prosperity trainer 0727-217920 (SMS only please).
N.B. Give me at least 8 hours to get back to you, I really get swamped sometimes.

How Single Mums (And Broke Men As Well) Can Make Money Daily Anywhere In Kenya Using A Proven System

So you are a jobless man or woman? You ought to be ashamed of yourself because this single mother takes care of all her children and even takes them to school without a job. Open your eyes to the opportunities around you. I will give you just one idea. Using a proven system you can rake in thao mbili daily and change your life forever. And it can work anywhere in Kenya.

The truth is that even if you started a business today it would take you time to start making money, sometimes many years of struggling.

BUT there is a business you can start right away here in Kenya where you will start making money for you right away.

Why is it that I am able to start making money instantly?
This is because you will be using a tried and proven system that very effectively markets and sells the product. All you have to do is take a few steps, get customers and we will send you the product to deliver and get paid. Very easy.

Do I need to have sales experience? Do I need to sell anything?
Absolutely NOT. You do NOT need any experience and you do NOT need to sell. All you need to do is follow simple instructions and distribute a leaflet (to 10 people at a time). The leaflet does all the selling and all the hard work for you. All you need to do is go back to collect the orders from your customers. You inform us, we send you the product and you deliver and get paid.

What if the customers don't have money and cannot afford to buy the product?
The products are very cheap and Kenyans consume them daily. You do not need to worry about your customers not having a lot of money to spend.

Do I need capital to start this business?
Every business needs capital to start BUT the good news here is that you only need Kshs 950/- ( which is a refundable deposit that will be refunded back to you anytime you need to stop doing the business) and the products will be sent to you on credit. You pay for them after your customers have paid and you have paid yourself.

I don't have Kshs 950/- what do I do?
We can arrange an instant loan for you with a small microfinance organization. You just fill in a form and give us a copy of your I.D. and the loan will be released and you will be ready to start. You pay back slowly as you earn cash daily.

I do not live in a big city, I actually live in a rather small town along Mombasa road. Can I still do the business?
YES. Some small towns have really surprised us, outperforming so-called cities in certain instances. As long as you are within the borders of Kenya you can do this amazing business that has the potential of putting Kshs 2,000 or even more in your pocket DAILY!!

I am excited. How do I get started?
Easy. Send an email now to ckyalo@gmail.com with your name, age and where you want to do the business  


SMS now (DO NOT call) with your name, age and where you want to do the business to our business prosperity trainer 0727-217920 (SMS only please).
N.B. Give me at least 8 hours to get back to you, I really get swamped sometimes.

What Is the 2K@Day Business All About? 

How To Run A Profitable Part Time Business Using The Proven System Even If You Are Very Busy With A Day Job

Time is very valuable but most Kenyans do not realize this. In sharp contrast if you go to a country like Nigeria you will find that many folks who have a full time job there enjoy two incomes, the second one coming from a "side hassle."

The proven system that we describe in other articles in this blog is PERFECT for an extremely profitable part time business. But first you must appreciate the following;

You Must Decide
Nothing under the sun worth having is easy to get. But in this case you are very lucky because you will be working with a tried and proven system. And so it will be a lot easier than it would otherwise have beenBUT you must first decide that you are serious and that you want to do this. If you don't then chances are that you will give up when faced with the first obstacle or challenge. Or even worse you will give up somewhere along the line when success is just around the corner. So you must first sit down and think very hard and make the determined decision that you want to do this.

Allocate time
Chances are that your current job keeps you extremely busy. But even if it doesn't this article is NOT about stealing your employer's time to do your own things. YES it is "stealing." And so you need to allocate time outside your regular working hours to do the business. The truth is that you have a lot of time that you are wasting currently that can be reclaimed to put some serious money into your pocket. 

a) You can wake up earlier than usual and reclaim an hour or even more. Don't worry there will be plenty of time to sleep when you are successful. 

b) You can also use your lunch break (usually an hour) to get plenty done.

c) After work many people head straight home or to the bar for a drink with friends. Here you can reclaim one or even two hours to put into the business of securing your future.

d) What do you do on weekends? Nothing much when you really think about it. Besides you can keep most of your leisure time and reclaim only 2 hours or so for this project that will put extra cash into your pocket.

You can now clearly see that you have more than enough time to start a business even if you are in full time employment. A minimum of 3 hours daily PLUS 2 hours on Saturday and 2 hours on Sunday. If you are serious you can create even more time. And so lack of time can NEVER BE a genuine excuse for not doing this.

Use technology
Technology is a real time saver. On your phone you can send out SMS or even email. And then there is wassup which is cheap, instant and very effective.

Now here are the simple steps you have to take;

1) Once you have enrolled (see details on how to do this below) you will receive an extremely powerful and time saving tool. And that is our newsletter. It does all the hard work of selling and finding customers for you. During your lunch break simply distribute it. Start with your work place and then go out and distribute 10 at a time. DO NOT distribute more than that without coming back to the first person to enquire what movies have interested them.

2) Towards the end of your lunch break write down the titles of all the movies your customers have ordered and send them to us via wassup.

3) In the evening after work repeat what you did during your lunch break and get even more customers and orders.

4) Use your time the next morning to plan ahead and do your research on the movies that are available. We have an excellent support system where we post new releases of movies daily both on wassup and on our blog. Check them out so that you can be more effective and end up making more money from your business.

5) The movies you have ordered will arrive during the course of the day (day 2). Collect them and deliver to your customers and get paid during the time you have allocated for your side hassle. Keep your 20% commission which is Kshs 10/- per movie. You will also earn an extra bonus of Kshs 220/- for every 110 movies you sell. 

6) Remitt the remaining cash from the movies sold so that you keep being supplied with movies and your business running.

7) Continue distributing the newsletter and getting new customers and orders.

8) The next morning deal with your records. Record keeping is extremely important in any business. How much did you spend (those are your expenses)? How much did you make (that is your daily income)?

BUT MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL carefully write down the name and contact of every person you collected cash from for the movies. These are your customers who will order again and again. Your list of customers is the most valuable asset of your business and after a while of building up this list your work will be a lot easier because all you will be doing is checking up on your customers for new orders every week.

If you have only 200 customers (very easy to get in less than a month using our system) and each customer orders an average of 20 movies per week, that is 4000 movies and you will be making Kshs 40,000 per week in commissions only and NOT counting the extra bonus of Kshs 220/- you will be getting for every 110 movies you sell. Here you will make an extra Kshs 7920/- weekly from bonuses ONLY. Total Kshs 47,920/- per week. Not bad for a part time business is it?

Don't waste another minute. Do not postpone your prosperity. ACT NOW!!! Send an email now to ckyalo@gmail.com with your name, age and where you want to do the business, that is the town or city where you work, (put "side hassle" in the subject area) OR SMS now (DO NOT call) starting your message with the words "side hassle" followed by your name, age and where you want to do the business to our business prosperity trainer 0727-217920 (SMS only please). N.B. Give me at least 8 hours to get back to you, I really get swamped sometimes.


Why this is different, easier and more profitable than other businesses you could do

The Correct Way To Use The Newsletter/Flyer To Maximize Your Business Profits

Story of the desperate village boy who became very prosperous in this business

Don't forget to send an email now to ckyalo@gmail.com with your name, age and where you want to do the business, that is the town or city where you work, (put "side hassle" in the subject area) OR SMS now (DO NOT call) starting your message with the words "side hassle" followed by your name, age and where you want to do the business to our business prosperity trainer 0727-217920 (SMS only please). N.B. Give me at least 8 hours to get back to you, I really get swamped sometimes.

BIG SECRET from Too good to be true BUT TRUE Real Life Kenyan Fairy-Tale Story

Have auctioneers ever come to your home or office? It is NOT something that I would wish on my worst enemy. 

Anyway I stumbled on this big secret in those desperate dark days as I fought to meet the deadline set by auctioneers sent to my house by my landlord. I had not paid rent for 4 months.

In the end I never met the deadline and had to go through the heartbreak of coming home to find my wife with blood shot eyes and my 9-year-old son crying on the floor. The sitting room was empty as if we had moved out and the prized fridge sent to my wife as a gift all the way from Italy was gone. It was difficult to console them because I had another auctioneers noose still pending and that was on my offices along Ronald Ngala Street where I had a pending bill for 2 months of rent. But that sad story is for another forum and another day.

Looking back now I have to admit that good things sometimes come out of terrible things that happen to us. That's because this big secret so revolutionized my life that two short months after that terribly dark day I had a very different problem; that of worrying that my Kshs 60,000 daily cash collection would attract armed robbers to my Ronald Ngala Street office.

I have written all about this big secret in a book and I have made it very simple. Using simple language and check lists and steps that are so easy to follow that a standard two child will have no problems at all grasping what is being said.

Here are a few questions that I know must be going through your mind and I will answer them.

Q 1. Why are you giving away your BIG secret if it really works?

Answer: Actually I am NOT really giving it away because the book is for sale. It is NOT FREE. And I am already selling copies of the book very rapidly indeed. You see I have set the price very low so that as many Kenyans as possible can access it. Indeed I am still using this gem of a secret very successfully in my latest brand new business. However other people using it will NOT affect my business in any way.

Besides I am now over 50 years old and so I am looking to leave a legacy of sorts, to give back and benefit my fellow Kenyan in this very selfish Kenyan society we live in today.

Lastly I will tell you something that you may not agree with but I personally believe in 1000% because I have seen it work for me many times in my life. The more you give the more you receive. It is a principal that is in the HOLY BIBLE. So from what I give here I KNOW I will receive many times over shaken down but still overflowing my cup.

Q2. What if it doesn't work for me?
How does something that deals with human nature and the behaviour of humans fail to work? Maybe if you apply it to people who are not humans. Animals perhaps... Or people from another planet (if they exist). The only other reason it will not work is if you fail to apply it properly and in the book I address common mistakes people usually make.

Q3. I don't own a business in fact I am jobless, will it help me?
YES. Let us assume that you are jobless with no qualifications and limited skills. The BIG secret will still work for you. And if you have nothing to apply it to, in the book I recommend a product for you and direct you where to find it on credit and pay later after you have sold. You can start right away, no delays.

Q4. My business is already doing well, how will this help me?
I have had the opportunity of applying the BIG secret to all kinds of businesses ranging from big companies to small start ups and from solar panels to computer training colleges. It always works. And that is because it deals with one factor that never changes, no matter what kind of business you are in. And that is the fact that you are dealing with humans and their complex emotions and behaviour.

Q5. Can I sell very expensive and very cheap products using the Big Secret?
Yes. Read my answer above

Q6. I am employed working for somebody else full time, how will this BIG secret help me?
I have a section in the book that talks about how you can find the spare time (no matter how busy you are) to successfully make money using the BIG secret.

Q7. How can I get this book?
The book sells for only Kshs 499/- or $5. Get more details NOW.

Q8. Is there a printed version of it? If so how can I get it?
YES. And it goes for Kshs 1,990/- or $19. Delivery anywhere in Kenya is FREE. Just give me your location and I will organize the rest.

* Written in simple language and broken down into easy-to-follow steps.

* How to apply the BIG secret to your life and get instant results within hours

* Common mistakes people make that will block your success when using the Big secret

* Examples and case studies of how people have used the big secret to revolutionize their lives

* Why the Big secret is guaranteed to work no matter how desperate your situation is at the moment.

Don't postpone your success or waste another minute. Get full details on how this book can be in your hands today.

My Story: Journey From Desperation To 2K Plus Daily

 Desperation is something I understand rather well after all just a few short weeks ago I was in the depths of it and almost giving up. But let me start my story from the beginning.

I came to Nairobi after spending 5 wasted years in my rural home doing virtually nothing. Finishing my form four my parents were too poor to do anything more for me. Still I was determined to make something of my life. So I did everything in my power to get to Nairobi. I finally did coming to live with my distant cousin somewhere in Kibera.

Nairobi was a shock. It is easier to find a small needle in a large pile of grass set aside for dairy cows than it is to find a job. And if you are lucky to find one, it will most likely be the kind of job that leaves you totally exhausted but with very little to show for all your hard work. The 400 bob my cousin was earning from a mjengo (construction site) kept him more in debt than anywhere near modest prosperity. I finally understood why he only visited our rural home once a year around Christmas time. The guy would have to save for most of the months of the year to make that trip.

Anyway I was introduced to selling movies by a stranger I met near Uhuru park as I made my daily trek from the city back to Kibera after another day of futile job hunting. I was desperate and so I was willing to try anything as long as it was not criminal.

However the truth is that I ended up being very dissapointed on my first day of work. After a whole day of distributing the newsletters I had zero orders. 

I flashed the stranger on my cousin's Mulika muizi phone and he promptly called back. I did not hide my anger asking him why he had lied to me that this was a job where I would make money. He was impatient with me, which even made me more suspicious but he agreed to meet me the following day to show me what I was doing wriong. I was very skeptical and pessimistic and was sure that little would come out of it. But I still met him.

To cut a long story short I learnt how to relax and make an effort to hide my desperation when meeting my prospective clients. I also realized my big blunder of the previous day. I was in too much of a hurry and had distributed almost a hundred newsletters at a time. I discovered the power of doing only 10 at a time and coming back to the few people I had distributed to when their interest was still highest. I also learnt not to waste time with those who were obviously not interested in ordering right away.

By the end of the day I had orders for 30 movies. The next day I collected them and quickly delivered them to continue seeking even more customers. I promptly paid my supplier and found that I had made Kshs 300/-. Clean money. I had not robbed or cheated anybody. For the first time in a very long time I felt useful in this life and very very happy. I was determined to make even more.

I went on to see why keeping track of how many customers I got from the flyers I had distributed was so important. Using the percentage of my success rate it was possible to predict my results and sales for the next day.

When my first week on the job ended I was doing an average of 100 movies a day. By the 3rd week I was doing 220 on average which not only earned me Kshs 2,200 a day but also an extra bonus of Kshs 220 for every 110 movies I sold. This totaled to an extra Kshs 440 a day over and above my 2k plus.

I was over the moon.

Although I am still kind of new to the business I see a very bright future ahead.

My advise. It is not easy. Nothing in this life is. But it can be done more easily than you think if you carefully follow the instructions and pay attention even to the small details. Usilete ujuaji kwa kazi and you will succeed.

Good luck.

Take the steps you need to take to start earning your 2K daily

5 Easy Ways To Raise Your Kshs 950 Deposit Without Borrowing It

Chances are that you are eager to join the make-2k-a-day-program but since you are a job seeker you may have great difficulties in getting the Kshs 950 deposit. Do not despair, here are some brilliant ideas that will enable you to raise the cash in a flash;

1. Form a merry-go-round and be the first to get paid
Call a meeting of 10 like-minded friends and refer them to the program. Get everybody to raise ONLY Kshs 100/- every week and ensure that since you are the brain child of the whole self-help project, you get the first Kshs 1,000 raised. All your friends can also join in the following weeks.

2. Sell stuff that you no longer use on OLX
Everybody has stuff lying around that they have forgotten about that can easily be sold on OLX. Tale good pictures with your phone and put a very attractive price to sell quickly.

3. Sell your mobile phone and buy a cheaper one
Most young people walk around with very expensive mobile phones. Find a buyer (don't worry you will buy an even better phone later when you make money). The proceeds should be enough for you to buy a very cheap but functional cell phone and still leave you with enough cash to pay your deposit to get started in the amazing earn 2k-per-day-program.

4. Get advance orders for 95 movies
Do you know 10 or 20 friends who love movies and will be willing to support you? Whatever movies they want (apart from Naija movies) we will be able to get for you. Maybe they would even love to enjoy some oldies they used to watch when they were kids. Once you have gotten the orders contact me on 0727-217920 and I will make special arrangements to have the movies delivered and voila you will have your deposit from the commission you would have otherwise earned.

5. Collect bottles OR old newspapers from friends and well-wishers
Soda bottles and even beer bottles have a pretty high demand in most towns. Start by visiting places that will buy these bottles and then collect them from friends and well wishers and you will have raised your deposit in no time. Old newspapers do not have a good price but if you have a source for many kilos you might just be able to raise the cash you need. Some towns also have collection points that buy scrap metal for cash which can easily be collected  as folks usually abandon these scrap metals all over the place.

Steps YOU need to take to start making money in the 2K @day Business

Read this personal account of a rural boy making more than 2K selling movies in a Nairobi suburb


1. Organize your capital
You have two options. Either you receive the movies on credit, deliver them to your customers and then pay. OR you pay cash with your orders and then keep your profit after your customers pay. For the first option to work you will need to deposit Kshs 950 with us as a security deposit. Remember that we will be sending you movies on credit which you deliver and pay us when you are paid. So this deposit is important. However this money is refundable anytime you want to stop doing the business. Just make sure you have paid for all the movies you have received from us. Send me a text message now before you send. My cell is; 0727-217920

The minute we receive your cash we will send you the newsletter so that you start distributing and earning money.

Decide which option you will take.

If you cannot raise this cash to buy or deposit with us and require a loan, you will need to send us the full contact details of 2 people who know you well and will guarantee your loan. Also send us a photocopy of your ID or photograph it and send it via wassup. Text 0727-217920 for full details and assistance.

Also read about 5 brilliant ideas to raise your 950 deposit in a flash

2. Start distributing the newsletter
It is important that you distribute ONLY 10 newsletters at a time. If you distribute more at a time the system will NOT work. After you have done the 10 to people who are stationary or seated somewhere go back to the first person you gave a flyer to and find out what movies they would like to order. Finish all 10 before you distribute the next batch of 10 flyers

3. Send out your first order
Send us the orders as you receive them. We will promptly send them to you so that you can deliver them to your customers and start the business.

4. You can still make money from this program without joining it
Refer your friends (and people you know who are jobless but hardworking) to this program and we will pay you Kshs 1/- from each movie they will ever sell for as long as they remain in the program. So if you introduce just 10 people who enrol and start distributing movies and say they each do badly and only sell 20 movies a day that will be 120 movies a week and so you will earn Kshs 1,200 a week for doing nothing but introducing your friends to this amazing program.
N.B. Make sure you send me the name of each friend you introduce the minute they join.

What is this business all about And how much do I make?
 The job/business opportunity involves sharing and distributing popular movies with a growing client base.

How do I do this?
You will use a tried and proven system for distributing the movies. We will send you a newsletter/leaflet which you will then distribute. The newsletter talks about various movies and is designed to do all the hard work of selling for you. You just come back after a few minutes and collect the orders from the people you distributed the newsletter to which you then forward to us to supply to you. You deliver and pay yourself first before sending us the rest of the cash.

How much do I make?
A movie sells for only Kshs 50/- (meaning you can sell a lot). You make 20% or Kshs 10/- from each movie sold. You retain Kshs 10/- and pay us Kshs 40/-

Isn't that very little money for me to make?
Not really. Think about it for a moment. 20% is a very generous commission. And don't forget the distribution system described above is designed to deliver volumes. On average you will get 2 customers from every 10 newsletters you distribute (some people manage 3 or even 4). It is easy to deliver 100 per day (Many people do 200). From the 100 you will get at least 20 people who want to order right away. Most will NOT order one movie, in fact the average is 3 which is 60 movies in total meaning you will earn Kshs 600/- (if you distribute 200 you can make Kshs 1,200 from your first effort. Within one week (6 working days) you will have a total 120 customers (20 x 6 working days). Remember that these are customers who will order again and again that is why it is so important to carefully list everybody who orders movies from you so that you can return to them again week after week.

So you can clearly see that the Kshs 10/- per movie adds up rapidly to a very good income for you.

Is this the only way I will make money in this business?
NO. There are several other ways you will continue to earn cash from this program.

a) Every 110 movies you deliver and get paid for will earn you a bonus of Kshs 220/- from us. This cash is paid at the end of the month.

b) After you sell a total of 100 movies you qualify to be a junior trainer. We will then send you to train people in your area and nearby towns who are joining our program all the time. We will pay you Kshs 350 in cash plus all expenses paid every time you go out to train people. The cash will be sent via Mpesa. After you deliver a total of 200 movies you qualify to be a senior trainer and you will be earning Kshs 700 in cash plus all expenses paid every time you go out to train people.

c) As a trainer you will also earn Kshs 1/- from each movie sold by somebody you trained.

I am so far away from Nairobi. How will I get the newsletter/flyers? How will I get the movies?
We use courier services like G4S and bus companies. We also have offices in Mombasa and Kisumu. We send movies you have ordered in the same way as we send you your fiorst flyers to start doing business with.

Wow!! This means after 2 weeks I should be earning over Kshs 2,000 per day?
Yes. The earning potential for this business is unlimited. It is not difficult to rake in Kshs 10,000 a day within a very short time of doing the business. We have used the low figure of Kshs 2,000 per day because we feared that if we put a higher figure it would look unrealistic and people would doubt. And so shs 2,000 is NOT the limit of what you can earn daily. This is an amazing business.

Everything sounds so easy are there no difficulties in this business?
Good question. As you know every business or job has its' challenges including this one. For instance there are people who do not like walking. Naturally you will get tired. But famous movie star Leonardo Di Caprio once said;

"I would rather be tired than broke"

The truth is that after you build your client list of people you supply movies to on a regular basis the walking you do will reduce dramatically.

Then there is peer preassure. Many people will discourage you and usually these kind of people cannot even loan you Kshs 20/- or buy you a meal.

So the answer is Yes, there are a lot of difficulties but they all pale in comparison to the money you will be making.

Why is the leaflet marketing system so powerful and effective?

There are some common mistakes that most people make when distributing the movie newsletter that we use to attract movie orders. (I shall cover them later in this article). However when done correctly this system can help you get a huge number of orders (as it is already doing for many all the time.

But let me answer the question at hand. There are many reasons why the leaflet marketing system is so powerful and effective. Understanding these reasons will help you do it right and avoid mistakes. Some of the reasons are;

a) It saves time. Using the movie newsletter you will get your message to many more people within a short space of time compared to walking around talking to one person at a time.

b) It whets the appetite of your would-be customers for movies. And that puts them in exactly the right mood to order right away.

c) You can predict the number of movies you will sell. How many customers do you get from every 10 flyers you distribute? The most commmon average is between 2.5 and 3 customers. That means that if you distribute 100 you should be able to get between 25 and 30 customers!! And they will tend to order an average of 2 to 4 movies each which is 50 to 120 movies in total!!

Common mistakes that most people make when distributing the movie newsletter

1) Distributing too many leaflets before you go back to the first person you handed the leaflet to. 
Remember folks tend to have very short attention spans. Somebody will look through the newsletter and quickly forget their interest if you take too long before coming back to see them. That is why it is recommended that you dish out ONLY 10 at a time and not distribute any more before you have gone back to see each of the 10 people you handed them over to.

2) Not asking the right question when you re-visit somebody you handed over the flyer to.
Which movies in the leaflet interested you? is a much better question to ask than; How many movies will you order from the leaflet?

3) Wasting too much time with a prospect who is not ready to buy right away.
They have the leaflet with telephone numbers. Move to the next prospect quickly because there is sure to be somebody waiting to order right away. 

You haven't joined the make 2k daily program yet?

Don't postpone your success. Send an sms now (DO NOT call) with your name, age and where you want to do the business to our business prosperity trainer 0727-217920 (SMS only please).
N.B. Give me at least 8 hours to get back to you, I really get swamped sometimes.

What Is the 2K@Day Business All About?

The job/business opportunity involves sharing and distributing popular movies with a growing client base.

How do I do this?
You will use a tried and proven system for distributing the movies. We will send you a newsletter/leaflet which you will then distribute. The newsletter talks about various movies and is designed to do all the hard work of selling for you. You just come back after a few minutes and collect the orders from the people you distributed the newsletter to which you then forward to us to supply to you. You deliver and pay yourself first before sending us the rest of the cash.

How much do I make?
A movie sells for only Kshs 50/- (meaning you can sell a lot). You make 20% or Kshs 10/- from each movie sold. You retain Kshs 10/- and pay us Kshs 40/-

Isn't that very little money for me to make?
Not really. Think about it for a moment. 20% is a very generous commission. And don't forget the distribution system described above is designed to deliver volumes. On average you will get 2 customers from every 10 newsletters you distribute (some people manage 3 or even 4). It is easy to deliver 100 per day (Many people do 200). From the 100 you will get at least 20 people who want to order right away. Most will NOT order one movie, in fact the average is 3 which is 60 movies in total meaning you will earn Kshs 600/- (if you distribute 200 you can make Kshs 1,200 from your first effort. Within one week (6 working days) you will have a total 120 customers (20 x 6 working days). Remember that these are customers who will order again and again that is why it is so important to carefully list everybody who orders movies from you so that you can return to them again week after week.

So you can clearly see that the Kshs 10/- per movie adds up rapidly to a very good income for you.

Is this the only way I will make money in this business?
NO. There are several other ways you will continue to earn cash from this program.

a) Every 110 movies you deliver and get paid for will earn you a bonus of Kshs 220/- from us. This cash is paid at the end of the month.

b) After you sell a total of 100 movies you qualify to be a junior trainer. We will then send you to train people in your area and nearby towns who are joining our program all the time. We will pay you Kshs 350 in cash plus all expenses paid every time you go out to train people. The cash will be sent via Mpesa. After you deliver a total of 200 movies you qualify to be a senior trainer and you will be earning Kshs 700 in cash plus all expenses paid every time you go out to train people.

c) As a trainer you will also earn Kshs 1/- from each movie sold by somebody you trained.

Wow!! This means after 2 weeks I should be earning over Kshs 2,000 per day?
Yes. The earning potential for this business is unlimited. It is not difficult to rake in Kshs 10,000 a day within a very short time of doing the business. We have used the low figure of Kshs 2,000 per day because we feared that if we put a higher figure it would look unrealistic and people would doubt. And so shs 2,000 is NOT the limit of what you can earn daily. This is an amazing business.

Everything sounds so easy are there no difficulties in this business?
Good question. As you know every business or job has its' challenges including this one. For instance there are people who do not like walking. Naturally you will get tired. But famous movie star Leonardo Di Caprio once said;

"I would rather be tired than broke"

The truth is that after you build your client list of people you supply movies to on a regular basis the walking you do will reduce dramatically.

Then there is peer preassure. Many people will discourage you and usually these kind of people cannot even loan you Kshs 20/- or buy you a meal.

So the answer is Yes, there are a lot of difficulties but they all pale in comparison to the money you will be making.

Steps To get Started NOW

How to use leaflets to maximize your movie sales (For Black Phoenix Entertainment Agents)

Why is the leaflet marketing system so powerful and effective?
There are some common mistakes that most people make when distributing the movie newsletter that we use to attract movie orders. (I shall cover them later in this article). However when done correctly this system can help you get a huge number of orders (as it is already doing for many all the time.

But let me answer the question at hand. There are many reasons why the leaflet marketing system is so powerful and effective. Understanding these reasons will help you do it right and avoid mistakes. Some of the reasons are;

a) It saves time. Using the movie newsletter you will get your message to many more people within a short space of time compared to walking around talking to one person at a time.

b) It whets the appetite of your would-be customers for movies. And that puts them in exactly the right mood to order right away.

c) You can predict the number of movies you will sell. How many customers do you get from every 10 flyers you distribute? The most commmon average is between 2.5 and 3 customers. That means that if you distribute 100 you should be able to get between 25 and 30 customers!! And they will tend to order an average of 2 to 4 movies each which is 50 to 120 movies in total!!

d) It helps you sell movies that are NOT even on the newsletter. 
It gets people thinking about movies so that they are able to order other movies not covered in the newsletter (as long as you remind them that we can deliver any kind of movie they want no matter what year it was produced). 

Common mistakes that most people make when distributing the movie newsletter

1) Distributing too many leaflets before you go back to the first person you handed the leaflet to. 
Remember folks tend to have very short attention spans. Somebody will look through the newsletter and quickly forget their interest if you take too long before coming back to see them. That is why it is recommended that you dish out ONLY 10 at a time and not distribute any more before you have gone back to see each of the 10 people you handed them over to. When you are done distribute the next 10 and repeat the process.

2) Not distributing enough newsletters in the course of 1 day
This is a numbers game. The more newsletters you distribute (in lots of 10) the more movies you will sell and the more money you will make. Aim for 100 as your daily minimum target and watch your sales soar.

3) Not asking the right question when you re-visit somebody you handed over the flyer to.
Which movies in the leaflet interested you? is a much better question to ask than; How many movies will you order from the leaflet? Other effective questions to ask when you re-visit include;

a) Are there any movies you loved to watch during your childhood that you would love to watch again? Because we can supply it.

b) Had a small question to ask you if you don't mind. What really caught your eye in the newsletter I just gave you?

3) Wasting too much time with a prospect who is not ready to buy right away.
They have the leaflet with telephone numbers. Move to the next prospect quickly because there is sure to be somebody waiting to order right away.